1. How do I select items to purchase?
As you browse through the NortramRetail.com, click on the “ADD TO CART” button beneath the items that you wish to purchase.
2. How do I know what is in my shopping cart?
When browsing through NortramRetail.com, simply look to the right-top-side of the screen and click on “Shopping Cart” to see which items you have in your shopping cart.
3. How do I remove an item from my shopping cart?
Click the “remove” check box and click “modify cart” to remove that item from your cart. You may also change the quantity of items to “0” (zero) to remove the item from your shopping cart.
4. How do I modify the quantity of a product in my shopping cart?
Click on “Shopping Cart” to see an itemized list of the products in your shopping cart. Change the quantity of the item and click “Update” to update the contents of your shopping cart.
5. How do I empty out my shopping cart?
To remove items from your shopping cart click on “Shopping Cart”, click the “Remove” box for each item that you would like to remove from your shopping cart.
6. How do I pay for my merchandise?
Payment for a good is made at the time of delivery.
This allows you full freedom to pay with cash when we deliver your order to you. All orders placed using cash on delivery as payment method will be verified through a call before shipment.
7. How do I know that NortramRetail.com has received my order?
Our ordering system will automatically send you an email confirming that your order was successfully submitted. Please make certain that the email address you provide when registering is correct. Upon processing, we will send you an additional email message with a status update of your order.
8. What is NortramRetail.com’s return policy and who do I contact regarding returns?
If for some reason you need to return an item to nortramretail.com please email the details of your particular situation to: returns@nortramretail.com.
For our complete Warranty and Returns Policy, click here.